One of the funniest shows I have ever seen,highlight of the night.Brendan had me laughing.
Young magicians can use this magic hat to make objects appear, disappear, transform and vanish.The set has 125 classic tricks including a Cute Magic Rabbit, Linking Rings, Mind Reading Magic and X-Ray Vision!The younger magician can even make objects appear and disappear in his bare hands.Plus much, much more to impress an audience.This is a brand new up to date 2018 magic kit for kids of all ages.
ALSO WHEN YOU PURCHASE THIS TRICK YOU WILL ALSO RECEIVE THE GLOW LITES VALUED AT $14.95and the Super rising wand $7.95 as a Christmas Offer.
You will receive the awesome Glow lite’s which are valued at$14.95 and the super rising wand trick $7.95 in Magic Store FREE when you purchase this kit.This is a fantastic trick that would amaze your friends or an audience. Imagine plucking these glowing lite’s from every where, It is mind-blowing and looks like real magic.Amaze your friends or your audience with this amazing illusion. Yours Free with this Magic Kit.
WARNING: This product contains a Button or Coin Cell Battery. A swallowed Button or Coin Cell Battery can cause internal chemical burns in as little as two hours and lead to death. Dispose of used batteries immediately. Keep new and used batteries away from children. If you think batteries might have been swallowed or placed inside any part of the body, call the 24-hour Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 immediately for fast, expert advice.Check that the battery compartment is correctly secured with the screw in place. Do not use if not secure and discard the product if the compartment is damaged.