One of the funniest shows I have ever seen,highlight of the night.Brendan had me laughing.
The Ultimate Kit that Will Blow your Audience Away.
This is the ultimate Professional range of magic!
The set has a range of tricks which have all been designed and selected specially for this exclusive professional collection
It shows that part of the beauty of great magic trick is the not knowing, the willingness to accept the illusion and the joy of being fooled!
Everything is included to give a performance like a Professional Magician!
The set contains quality props, fully illustrated instructions and 100 amazing routines.
This is a must for all magic lovers, young and old!
Suitable for Ages 8+.
The MAGIC KIT Alone VALUED AT $110.00 Plus linking Rings and Magic Card Box $19.95 each VALUED AT $149.00
Plus the ultimate Card Box which you can perform amazing tricks with Cards.
Linking Rings Valued at $19.95
With 4 linking rings in your hands, rub 2 of them together, then suddenly they are linked together, then rub another ring and magically it islinked to the first two then the last ring is linked to the third. All for rings are linked together. A really incredible illusion with a spectacular final.
VALUED AT $19.95